Daily Archives: June 1, 2015

What EDU Can Learn From EDM 1

—- This post comes cross-posted from the Radiate Positivity blog, and it is a reflection on a featured presentation entitled ‘Techno Teaching‘ that I gave at MACUL 2015 Conference. Sam Kohl, the blog’s author, did such a great job capturing the essence of my presentation, that I decided to let her tell you about the salient points of my talk: […]

Summer Personal Development Opportunities Through @BAMRadioNetwork

 This guest post comes from the talented Laura Fleming (@NMHS_lms) and is cross-posted on her World’s of Learning blog. Laura has graciously created a digital badging opportunity for educators who’d like to engage in some great radio-based professional learning regularly over the summer. Summer Learning Opportunities From BAM! Radio Network Shows For many educators, summer is the […]