Tag Archives : Grading

Homework in the Standards-Based Grading Classroom 1

In a standards-based system, the grades are dependent on one thing—student-learning outcomes. In short, only evidence of learning on a particular standard is included in a grade. Behaviors, conduct, work ethic, practice and task completion are all separated from the grade, unless they are explicitly tied to the standards in some way and measured according […]

Courtesy of the Michigan Department of Education

How One Teacher Made the Shift to Standards-Based Grading and Never Looked Back 1

This post was written by Michal Eynon-Lynch as a featured interview with me for Haiku Learning. It is re-posted here with permission. The words and ideas expressed here are those of Michal.   Transitioning to a new style of grading is fraught with challenges; it is not a task that an educator pursues lightly. Before considering such a change, […]