Tag Archives : Leadership

Being Michigan Teacher of the Year: Reflections On a Three-Year Ripple Effect in Teaching

It’s been three years since I was selected as the 2013-14 Michigan Teacher of the Year and, as a result, my work in education continues to have a ripple effect that goes well beyond the four walls of his classroom. Back in May of 2013, I was teaching physics students about how electrical circuits worked and our […]

Why Developing Student Character Outweighs Test Scores

Episode 006: Character Education Jeff Baxter 2014 Kansas Teacher of the Year Twitter: @MobyJeff On the program this week, Teachers of the Year Radio welcomes Jeff Baxter, an AP Language and Composition Teacher at Leavenworth High School who is the 2014 Kansas Teacher of the Year.  Jeff also holds a Juris Doctorate from Washburn University School of […]

Bullying of LGBTQ and Special Needs Youth + Ways to Respond

Episode 004: Responses To Bullying Brett Bigham 2014 Oregon Teacher of the Year Twitter: @2014ORTOY On the program this week, Teachers of the Year Radio welcomes Brett Bigham, the 2014 Oregon Teacher of the Year.  Brett received the 2015 NEA Foundation Excellence in Education Award and the NEA LGBT 2015 Teacher Role Model Award.  He is […]

Eversight Michigan: A Vision For Making Vision a Reality

Ask the average adult how they might imagine a better world and they would likely share their vision for less violence, poverty, and injustice. A better world begins by envisioning it; however, seeing the world as a better place first requires sight. What happens then when the capacity for vision is entirely absent, and a […]

When Students Are Uncertain, This Is How It Can Lead to Deeper Learning 1

Episode 003: Academic Risk Taking & the Power of Being Uncertain Karyn Dickerson 2014 North Carolina Teacher of the Year Twitter: @KDickersonNCTOY On the program this week, Teachers of the Year Radio welcomes Karyn Dickerson, an English teacher from Grimsley High School in Greensboro, NC, who is the 2014 North Carolina Teacher of the Year. In addition […]

The Impact of Teacher Retention on Education Equity

Episode 001: The Impact of Teacher Retention on Education Equity Jonathan Crossley 2014 Arkansas Teacher of the Year Twitter: @joncrossley_ar On the program this week, Teachers of the Year Radio welcomes Jonathan Crossley, a high school English and Drama teacher from the Mississippi Delta region of Arkansas, who is the 2014 Arkansas Teacher of the […]

Five Inspiring Thoughts to Spark Your Self Efficacy

This month, my personal leadership inspiration comes to from Don Miguel Ruiz and his book The Fifth Agreement. In this “practical guide to self mastery,” Ruiz offers an essential list of five agreements we should have with ourselves to help improve how we operate in our work, love, and play. The Five Agreements: Be impeccable with […]