Tag Archives : MichEd

Being Michigan Teacher of the Year: Reflections On a Three-Year Ripple Effect in Teaching

It’s been three years since I was selected as the 2013-14 Michigan Teacher of the Year and, as a result, my work in education continues to have a ripple effect that goes well beyond the four walls of his classroom. Back in May of 2013, I was teaching physics students about how electrical circuits worked and our […]

The #MINTC15 Is a FREE Conference For New Teachers Happening May 2nd!

On Saturday May 2, 2015, a FREE conference is taking place in southeast Michigan for early career and aspiring teachers. This conference is a unique opportunity for our newest educators to network and learn together. Do youremember the excitement of first wanting to be a teacher? How about the eagerness you had during your teacher […]

Teachers Are Connecting, Leading and Learning From the Classroom

This week is Valentine’s Day, a time to celebrate love. In the spirit of Cupid, teachers across the nation are sending social media “arrows” at the education profession through the #LoveTeaching Week campaign. Chats, PLNs, and sharing media of projects all help teachers to become connected educators. Using Twitter, teachers can easily connect and chat with other teachers around the world, all in real time. […]

Kids Answer Question, “What’s Your Vision For ____?” With Inspiring Talks at Charity Event

The Grosse Pointe Public School System is leading an original project—the Nspire Talks Conference—this February 6th to amplify student voice, showcase their public schools, and benefit the Michigan Eye Bank. Last year, high school students from around Metro Detroit gathered to share their original speeches at the first GP Nspire Talks Conference with a live audience and raise […]

#michED: The PureMichigan of Education

It was a cool morning in Lansing during October of 2012. Lining the halls of the Capitol Building, like a science fair, were displays for the AT&T/MACUL Student Technology Showcase. Children from all over the state, some as young as five, were demonstrating how they use technology as a tool while learning everything from music […]

The 2014-2015 Michigan Teacher of the Year Is @MelodyArabo!

Congratulations, Melody Arabo!!! Walled Lake Schools’ Melody Arabo was named 2014-15 Michigan Teacher of the Year (MTOY) yesterday during a school visit from State Superintendent Mike Flanagan. Arabo, a third grade teacher at Keith Elementary School with 12 years of classroom experience, was selected from 238 applicants statewide. “Every day, teachers touch the lives of students in […]

An Open Letter to My Teacher Colleagues in Grosse Pointe Public Schools

You may have heard this saying before: “if you see a turtle sitting atop a fence post, you know that it didn’t get there on its own.” Well, I recently heard this statement from a teacher I really look up to, and it made me realize that I’ve been feeling a lot like a turtle […]