Tag Archives : Reflection

A Birthday Reflection on Life and Gratitude 1

I just had my 31st birthday this week, and I always do a lot of reflecting each year at this time. As I’m sure many people do, I think about how many opportunities I have had, what I accomplished, and how blessed I truly am; however, I also think about goals, look back at how […]

Courtesy of the Michigan Department of Education

How to Reflect on the School Year With Students Using Paint Swatches

From field trips and field days in some places to state-level or Advanced Placement (AP) testing in others, May is a time for us to culminate the school year and reflect on what we learned. It’s springtime, and that means another school year is coming to a close. For some, the time flew by while […]

The One Thing Michigan Education Needs (and It Has Nothing to Do With Money) 1

After spending 12 months serving the educators of the state of Michigan as the 2014 Michigan Teacher of the Year, I have learned a lot about what can help make education better. When you boil away all of the reforms, bills, and policy initiatives, it all comes down to trusting the professionals. In Michigan, we […]

GPNspire: Inspiring Students. Inspiring Ideas. Inspiring Others. 1

When Kid President challenged us “be more awesome,” it wasn’t an empty phrase. For whatever reason, he seems moved to add his voice to the global conversation because he thinks it will make the world a better place. There are other young people out there in our schools who have equally inspiring messages to share; […]

Teacher Leadership Challenge | October 18, 2013 1

This is a multipart series of posts intended to help teachers grow their leadership practice and ignite conversations about education online and in person. The goal of a teacher leader is to improve the learning of all students through their efforts, collaboration, and influence. The 2014 Teacher Leadership Challenge is a weekly installment activity that poses a […]

Teacher Leadership Challenge | October 11, 2013

This is a multipart series of posts intended to help teachers grow their leadership practice and ignite conversations about education online and in person. The goal of a teacher leader is to improve the learning of all students through their efforts, collaboration, and influence. The 2014 Teacher Leadership Challenge is a weekly installment activity that poses a […]

The 2014 Teacher Leadership Challenge 12

#TLC2014 The role of the teacher has evolved over time in tremendous ways. From presenter to decision-maker, and from sage on the stage to guide on the side, teaching is about much more now than an exchange of content knowledge between teacher and student. Modern teaching encompasses far more responsibilities and considerations than educators have […]