Tag Archives : world language

ASCC 10: Digital Post Cards in the World Language Classroom

This tenth featured post in A Series of Classroom Connections comes to us from the French classroom of Joanna Porvin at Brownell Middle School. Introductory language curriculum focuses on the expressions necessary for day-to-day conversations. These topics require a greater context to fully engage learners. The virtual post card project expands students’ knowledge of the communities where their target […]

ASCC 04: Screencasting to Demonstrate Fluency in the World Language Classroom

This fourth featured post in A Series of Classroom Connections comes to us from the Spanish classroom of Joanna Porvin at Brownell Middle School. How do students prove that they are developing spoken fluency in another language? While this skill is typically assessed in person by a teacher through conversations, this task can become a challenge to manage […]