Category Archives : Education

Being Michigan Teacher of the Year: Reflections On a Three-Year Ripple Effect in Teaching

It’s been three years since I was selected as the 2013-14 Michigan Teacher of the Year and, as a result, my work in education continues to have a ripple effect that goes well beyond the four walls of his classroom. Back in May of 2013, I was teaching physics students about how electrical circuits worked and our […]

ASCC 13: How to Sell a Colony in 30 Days

This thirteenth, and final, featured post in A Series of Classroom Connections comes to us from the Social Studies classroom of former Parcells Middle School teacher, now Brownell Middle School principal, Rodger Hunwick. Resourcefulness is key in the educational technology worlds of yesteryear and today. Educators have always made the most of the resources that they have […]

Michigan Students to See Shorter Standardized Tests in 2016

On Thursday August 20th, the Michigan Department of Education publicized changes to its state assessments for elementary, middle, and high school students beginning in spring of 2016.  After its first year of implementing the new Michigan State Test of Educational Progress (M-STEP) to students, the Office of Assessment and Accountability at the Michigan Department of Education […]

ASCC 12: Enhancing Vocabulary With iPad Apps & Apple TV

This twelfth featured post in A Series of Classroom Connections comes to us from the English Language Arts classroom of Jodi Stevens at Grosse Pointe South High School. The Apple TV has been a wonderful tool that is helping to enhance learning in the classroom in a variety of ways. Using mobile apps for vocabulary building, reading comprehension, and […]

ASCC 11: Stories, Storyboarding and Storytelling in the One-iPad Classroom

This eleventh featured post in A Series of Classroom Connections comes to us from the English Language Arts classroom of Shelleyann Keelean at Parcells Middle School. Having Apple TV and an iPad in our classroom has been wonderful. It has given students new opportunities for publishing their work. Here are a few of our favorite ways we have used […]

ASCC 10: Digital Post Cards in the World Language Classroom

This tenth featured post in A Series of Classroom Connections comes to us from the French classroom of Joanna Porvin at Brownell Middle School. Introductory language curriculum focuses on the expressions necessary for day-to-day conversations. These topics require a greater context to fully engage learners. The virtual post card project expands students’ knowledge of the communities where their target […]

ASCC 09: Engaging Students in Reading, Writing, and Communicating With Mobile Learning

This ninth featured post in A Series of Classroom Connections comes to us from the English classroom of Geoffrey Young at Grosse Pointe North High School. So, I am that guy. I love technology. I usually read up on any new gadget. I know that “technologies of the classroom” engage kids as much as they engage me. I want […]