Category Archives : Blogs

Teacher Leadership Challenge | September 27, 2013 3

This is a multipart series of posts intended to help teachers grow their leadership practice and ignite conversations about education online and in person. The goal of a teacher leader is to improve the learning of all students through their efforts, collaboration, and influence. The 2014 Teacher Leadership Challenge is a weekly installment activity that poses a […]

Teacher Leadership Challenge | September 13, 2013 10

This is a multipart series of posts intended to help teachers grow their leadership practice and ignite conversations about education. The goal of a teacher leader is to improve the learning of all students through their efforts, collaboration, and influence. The 2014 Teacher Leadership Challenge is a weekly installment activity that poses a prompt on an educational topic […]

Ten Digital Ideas to Consider at Your School This Week 1

This past week was the 2012 Michigan Digital Learning Conference hosted by the MACUL organization. The conference brings together Michigan educators and technology professionals to share ideas on what the latest and greatest in technology could mean for education. There were presentations by classroom teachers, administrators, tech “gurus” and technology vendors. The conference was an opportunity […]

Student Blogs For Reflective Writing 5

This year, we are trying something new in my physics and chemistry classes: no homework. Instead of conventional practice-based homework, we are flipping the classroom…kinda. While there are no video clips to watch outside of class, we still want students to do their practice in the guided environment of the classroom, where they can collaborate […]