Category Archives : Thinking

GPNspire: Inspiring Students. Inspiring Ideas. Inspiring Others. 1

When Kid President challenged us “be more awesome,” it wasn’t an empty phrase. For whatever reason, he seems moved to add his voice to the global conversation because he thinks it will make the world a better place. There are other young people out there in our schools who have equally inspiring messages to share; […]

Teacher Leadership Challenge | October 4, 2013

This is a multipart series of posts intended to help teachers grow their leadership practice and ignite conversations about education online and in person. The goal of a teacher leader is to improve the learning of all students through their efforts, collaboration, and influence. The 2014 Teacher Leadership Challenge is a weekly installment activity that poses a […]

Teacher Leadership Challenge | September 27, 2013 3

This is a multipart series of posts intended to help teachers grow their leadership practice and ignite conversations about education online and in person. The goal of a teacher leader is to improve the learning of all students through their efforts, collaboration, and influence. The 2014 Teacher Leadership Challenge is a weekly installment activity that poses a […]

Teacher Leadership Challenge | September 20, 2013 4

This is a multipart series of posts intended to help teachers grow their leadership practice and ignite conversations about education online and in person. The goal of a teacher leader is to improve the learning of all students through their efforts, collaboration, and influence. The 2014 Teacher Leadership Challenge is a weekly installment activity that poses a […]

Teacher Leadership Challenge | September 6, 2013

This is the first post in a multipart series that is intended to help teachers grow their leadership practice and ignite conversations about education. The goal of a teacher leader is to improve the learning of all students through their efforts, collaboration, and influence. The 2014 Teacher Leadership Challenge is a weekly installment activity that poses […]