Category Archives : Pedagogy

ASCC 04: Screencasting to Demonstrate Fluency in the World Language Classroom

This fourth featured post in A Series of Classroom Connections comes to us from the Spanish classroom of Joanna Porvin at Brownell Middle School. How do students prove that they are developing spoken fluency in another language? While this skill is typically assessed in person by a teacher through conversations, this task can become a challenge to manage […]

[SPECIAL]: Understanding By Design – A Tribute to the Work of Grant Wiggins

Episode 002: Understanding By Design and the Work of Grant Wiggins Joey Lee 2014 New Hampshire Teacher of the Year Twitter: @JoeyLeeNHTOY On the program this week, Teachers of the Year Radio welcomes Joey Lee, a social studies teacher and ice hockey coach at Pinkerton Academy in Derry, NH, who is the 2014 New Hampshire Teacher of […]

Teacher Leadership Challenge | February 10, 2014

This multipart series is intended to help teachers grow their leadership practice and ignite conversations about education online, through blogging, and in person. The goal of a teacher leader is to improve the learning of all students through their efforts, collaboration, and influence. The 2014 Teacher Leadership Challenge is a weekly installment activity that poses a prompt […]

Teacher Leadership Challenge | November 22, 2013 1

This is a multipart series of posts intended to help teachers grow their leadership practice and ignite conversations about education online and in person. The goal of a teacher leader is to improve the learning of all students through their efforts, collaboration, and influence. The 2014 Teacher Leadership Challenge is a weekly installment activity that poses a […]

Homework in the Standards-Based Grading Classroom 1

In a standards-based system, the grades are dependent on one thing—student-learning outcomes. In short, only evidence of learning on a particular standard is included in a grade. Behaviors, conduct, work ethic, practice and task completion are all separated from the grade, unless they are explicitly tied to the standards in some way and measured according […]

Courtesy of the Michigan Department of Education

How One Teacher Made the Shift to Standards-Based Grading and Never Looked Back 1

This post was written by Michal Eynon-Lynch as a featured interview with me for Haiku Learning. It is re-posted here with permission. The words and ideas expressed here are those of Michal.   Transitioning to a new style of grading is fraught with challenges; it is not a task that an educator pursues lightly. Before considering such a change, […]

Attention Educators: Is Your Teaching Replaceable? 4

Michigan teachers are among the finest in the nation, but the media attention given to public education recently has been far from flattering. The public does not view our teachers in a positive light. From Proposal 2’s Freedom-to-Work last fall to failing school districts and emergency managers, it sure can look to the public like […]