Category Archives : iPad

ASCC 06: Shakespeare, Public Speaking, and How Technology Supports Giving Feedback

This sixth featured post in A Series of Classroom Connections comes to us from the English Language Arts classroom of Erika Fell at Parcells Middle High School. When I first encountered the prospect of integrating an iPad into my classroom, I was interested and a bit concerned. All I knew was that I wanted to improve my students’ speaking […]

ASCC 05: Dynamic and Interactive Maps of the Earth For All to Use

This fifth featured post in A Series of Classroom Connections comes to us from the high school science classroom of Troy Hernandez at Grosse Pointe South High School. What did Earth’s continents and oceans look like 250 million years ago, or even 1 billion years ago? What do we know about the climate back when our […]

ASCC 04: Screencasting to Demonstrate Fluency in the World Language Classroom

This fourth featured post in A Series of Classroom Connections comes to us from the Spanish classroom of Joanna Porvin at Brownell Middle School. How do students prove that they are developing spoken fluency in another language? While this skill is typically assessed in person by a teacher through conversations, this task can become a challenge to manage […]

Digital Activities For Visual Literacy 16

Visual literacy is the ability to construct meaning from or communicate meaning through information presented in the form of an image. While it may seem like this could only be applicable to the elementary student, visual literacy pervades all subject areas, disciplines, and grade levels in schools. From identifying patterns, to understanding modern art, to interpreting and […]

Is the iPad Mightier Than the Interactive Whiteboard? 2

The 2013 MACUL Conference in Detroit, MI featured myriad sessions on the use of interactive whiteboards in the classroom as well as iPads in education. Vendors in the exhibit hall tried to show the most appealing features of their product while teachers shared their best uses for technology. An interesting question arose during the conference: […]